March 10

Inspirational Quotes | Quote 352/365

If you have a suggestion for a quote, or a weekly theme, please let me know in a comment below.

Dovrei chiedere scusa a me stessa per tutte le volte in cui ho creduto di non essere abbastanza – Alda Merini

I should apologize to myself for all the times I believed I was not enough

How many times did you tell yourself you were not enough? Smart enough, talented enough, beautiful enough, lovable enough?? Maybe you should really apologize to yourself for doubting, just like you would do with a close friend.

I know I am guilty, and it has been an uphill battle to finally recognize, on my good days, that I AM ENOUGH. It is not advocating stagnation: I still try to improve every day, but not because I try to reach some unattainable goal. I strive to be better for ME.

I have found this great article about how to convince yourself you are enough. It is worth reading it. The blog itself it is, overall, interesting. Give it a try.

Photo by mirna rivalta on Unsplash