January 30

Inspirational Quotes | Quote 314/365

This week, I will use quotes in Italian, from Italian authors. Which is your favorite? If you have a suggestion for a quote, or a weekly theme, please let me know in a comment below.

La sapienza è figliola dell’esperienza – Leonardo da Vinci

Wisdom is the daughter of experience – Leonardo da Vinci

I could not agree more: it may be a cliche’, but I really believe that perspective is one of the greatest gifts of aging. Just like the famous quote by George Bernard Shaw(or was it by Oscar Wilde? There is no conclusive answer) :

Youth is wasted on the young

Of course, experience can be gained at any age, but overall, life experience will be your best teacher. It goes without saying, that you must be willing to acknowledge your mistakes, be willing to study them, so that you will not repeat them.

Photo by Susmita Saha on Unsplash