How I did It: my Photoshop Process

I want to share with you my process in creating the quote I posted today.
Step 1:
Since the Spiderman was a vertical image, I cloned the background to create an horizontal workspace.

Step 2:
I placed the boy image on top, and masked out the boy. Obviously, there is quite a bit of work to be done to try to match the lighting.

Step 3:
First, I erased the writing from the boy’s button. Then I added a Photo Filter to warm his skin tones. I also added an exposure adjustment layer and then levels, to darken the boy, overall. All these adjustments were applied as a clipping group, so the Spiderman image was not affected.

Step 4:
I added a burn and dodge layer by filling a new layer with 50% gray, and changing its blend mode to overlay. I then used the brush tool, set at a low opacity to dodge and burn. I also intensify the glare, by adding a lens flare on a separate layer, also filled with a neutral gray, and set to overlay.

Step 5:
I then added a global curves adjustment layer to darken the whole image.

Step 6:
I added the text. I chose white for the fill, and use the font Amaranth. I set the blend mode to Soft Light and added a drop shadow. I duplicate this text layer to make the letters stand out more.

Step 7:
As a final touch, I created a composite of all visible layers (comm+ Opt+ shit+ E) and apply some noise. In this case, I used the Filter gallery and selected Texture > Grain.