February 7

Inspirational Quotes | Quote 322/365

If you have a suggestion for a quote, or a weekly theme, please let me know in a comment below.

The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings – Eric Hoffer

I could not agree more and I know something about struggling with math…5th grade Singapore Math anyone?

Jokes aside, I don’t know how many times I forget to count all my blessings. This does not mean forget any frustrations or stuffing any negative feeling inside because there is someone in a worse condition…It means realizing that we often take for granted some of the wonderful gifts we have in our lives.

So today, take the time to think about all the things that make your life great, or at least try to find a few you can be really grateful for, no math required.

I already talked about gratitude jars and how being grateful can really alter your life for the better. Read experts explain why in this article from the powerofpositivity.com

Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash