February 21

Inspirational Quotes | Quote 336/365

If you have a suggestion for a quote, or a weekly theme, please let me know in a comment below.

I think I am the happiest I’ve ever been. Part of it is  just learning what makes me happier and doing more of it, and learning what makes me unhappier and doing less of. Mark Frauenfelde

I could not agree more! I had been noticing, lately, how, in the past few years, I really learned to focus on what makes me feel good…more relaxed, calmer, less stressed. These are often simple things: petting a soft kittie, wearing comfortable clothes, aromatherapy…and punk rock. Ok, not new-age, but it works!

I have also learn what upset me and stress me out, and if I can, I would avoid it…If not…well, read above. It is so simple, and I can’t believe it took me so long to figure it out.

Start with a list, no joke. What simple pleasures can you add to your day? Of course, this should not be the philosophy for major decisions in life, such as a career choice, as wisely observed by this Forbe’s magazine article. Just sprinkle some little happiness on your daily life.

Photo by Erik-Jan Leusink on Unsplash